Thursday 20 September 2012

Pyramid 4

Finally a fucking challenge...

He considers this a challenge? I think they might have set the bar a little high with those first few challenges.

Seriously fuck off.

Anyways so Pyramid 4 had a math problem. And it wasn't super easy addition.

It was 4^9/3 Unfortunately for the challenge I have a computer with a calculator and they didn't give me any thing saying I couldn't use it.

You are such a loser...

Also I am almost completely convinced this is not Genome.

Wait what? Of course I am.

No you're not.

What are you talking about?

You act like him and you use italics like him but you're too obviously him.

I've come to the conclusion you aren't the real deal you're a fake. The real one was cruel and used me and I always felt like h had no reason for it other than sadistic joy. But I know that he had a reason. He used me to help him win. He knew as I was I was a weakling and wouldn't survive. He used my hatred of him as motivation. You... You don't have a reason you're just here to be cruel. So you aren't Genome. You're just a fake created based on my own memories and opinions of him.

Wow... That's... Completely idiotic.

As expected.

... Fuck you.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Pyramid 3

I'm going crazy. I keep seeing it but then it's not there I can't see it...

That's cause I'm hiding it.

Maybe he's hiding it...

You remember I can do that...

I remember he can do that...


But why is he hiding?

Because it's more fun this way... Anyways:

On to pyramid 3. "Test your hand eye coordination to the very limit as you attempt to press this... Shiny red button!!"

Seriously what is this shit?

Well obviously they're catering to your mental abilities.

Shut up I haven't decided whether you exist or not yet!

Because that decision is totally up to you. 


Tuesday 18 September 2012

Pyramid 2

That... That's funny I almost thought I saw... But I looked back and it was gone... Ha ha must just be hearing things yeah that's it...

Pyramid 2. "You must find the key that fits this door. You will never succeed for there are 5 keys and only one will fit this square lock. How can you possibly match the obvious square lock to the right key when all the keys are vastly different shapes!"

I almost feel insulted.

You will be...

No... I swear I just saw... He's not here... He's somewhere far away. Probably dead.

Hopefully dead!

You're right.

I know I am.


Monday 17 September 2012

Pyramid 1

So the pyramids are numbered 1 through 14.

And apparently if I try to enter them out of order I will be disqualified and murdered horribly.

Well ok then.

First Pyramid. "You must defeat this brightly coloured enemy in a somewhat dark area. Watch as his bright red form is completely concealed in the semi-darkness..."

So yeah that was easy...

I think whoever organized this is trying to make it at my level which since I'm considered pitifully weak the challenges are hilariously easy...

I'm not complaining...

Next Pyramind!


Sunday 16 September 2012

Victory is mine!

Also logic doesn't exist here aparently.

I raged for a bit at the indestructibility of ice before realizing I had my knife.

I attempted to stab the ice hoping to just crack it. Instead the ice began spouting sparkling water like blood from a wound. Ignoring the disturbing implications I took a nice refreshing swig.

Then there was a strange rumbling sound. Tiny hills started to grow out of the ground then they kept growing. Soon they were giant pyramids. Each one was numbered.

I don't like this...

At least there's no Genome so... Net gain.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Damn you!

Finding something to drink is either my first challenge or I just really suck at this...

Been smashing at this ice with various objects for what feels like hours even tried just licking the ice.

Nothing is working and I'm getting really really thirsty...

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Where the hell am I?

I'm in a random sandy desert. There are fir trees all around me and a frozen pond on the ground. I'm pretty sure this isn't normal. Also I have the weirdest pain in my neck. Feels stiff.

If I'm stuck in another god damn tournament with...

Wait... Oh my god... There's no voice in my head?! I'm... I'm free!

Oh my god Genome is gone! Yes! I don't care where I am at the moment there's no Geno- Wait um there is a pile of words or something "talking" to me.

"Solve challenges"

"Don't die."

That's... Simple...

I feel really thirsty how long have I been lying here?

Let's go see if I can drink from the ice pond.