Sunday, 23 December 2012

Transition Challenge # 1

Ok so there's a table here now...

There's a pineapple on the table.

I think you're supposed to eat it.

I can't eat a pineapple...

Seriously? It's a god damn pineapple just eat it.

But I-

STFU and eat the god damn pineapple you stupid little man.



Fuck you...

Ok so apparently Drake is allergic to Pineapples... 

He's glaring at me now but he stopped as he began throwing up again. The skin around his eyes are now all red and blotchy. I don't think he's in any serious danger...

Hate you so maaaaaghh! 

Sorry you should have said you were allergic...

I tried you stupid fu-

Perhaps we'll wait until you're symptoms have subsided before continuing this argument...

No sorry. I'm afraid you cannot do that. Drake must complete the challenge before his symptoms subside.

Are you fucking ser-

What is the challenge then?

Look around.
Is that a microphone and Karaoke machine?


Oh hey you stopped vomiting?

Yeah I'm feeling be-

Oh nevermind...

Drake must sing through a song before his symptoms end.

Can't be done...

Sure it can.

But he'll be throwing up the whole time?

I never said he had to sing it well...

Alright... Well Drake looks like you've got to try and sing through it or we die.

Oh god why...

It seems there is only one song for selection...

Humbling river? The fu-

Ugh... That was gross

Shut up...

Well start going you don't have much time left I assume...

Ok fine...

The song has started...

My eyes are too swollen to see the lyrics.

Just try your best


Ok stop vomiting then try your best...

Nature, nurture heathens and hoes
Son of Al, and by them, driver
Toe conquer Berry mountain shawn
But I've never crossed the river

Braved the forests, braved the stone
Braved the icy winds and tire
Braved and blaaaaaaaaghh
...helpless by the river

Anger angel, what have I done?
I've faced the quakers, the wind, the fire
I've conquered country, grown, and throne
Why can't I cross this river?

Angel, angaaghh
Oh god whaaaaaagh
*Panting and retching*

...the battles you've run
It'll take a lot more than rage and muscle
Open your heart and hands, my son
Or you'll never make it over the river

It'll take a lot more than words and guns
A whole lot more than bitches and muscle
The hands of the many must join as one
And together-

Oh... Oh god I can't... I can't do anymore...

That's ok it wasn't as funny as I thought it would be anyways...

Wait what? 

Drake's allergic reaction has disappeared and the door to the next challenge has opened. Drake is swearing profusely.        

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