Thursday, 3 January 2013

Wish Granted.


Are you awake?


You've been healed. We should continue the challenges now.

Genome... You were human once. Do you remember anything about it?

Some things.

Do you remember pain?

Only vaguely why?

... Go away.


Leave. I don't want you here. I never did. I hated you in The Game Master's challenges. I still hate you now.


What? Did you think we were bonding or something? Tied together by a mutual desire to get to the end? I put up with you here without complaint because you were helpful. It's over. Having to put up with you isn't worth it anymore.

But I need to be with you... I need to be human again. I want to be human again... I want to feel-

I don't care. I don't have any sympathy for you. Any suffering you endure is undoubtedly well deserved.


What? Nothing to say?

You know what... Fine. You can do these challenges by yourself. I don't know why I wanted to be human anyways. I am an invincible, technological god you're a worthless, vulnerable chunk of meat. Good luck surviving on your own.

Genome has left. I shall work through the mask instead to post your activities.

Wait he's gone?


He... He actually left?



Is something wrong?

No... Of course not. I'm glad he's gone.

Good then may I suggest you continue on to the next transition challenge.

Soon... Just give me... Just give me some time... To celebrate his departure... Yeah... To celebrate... Being alone again...

1 comment:

  1. Congatulations,but perhaps you are not as happy about it as I. Judging from that tone that is!
